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Norton & Ingersoll, P.C.

Certified Specialists in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law,

         by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization

3554 Round Barn Blvd., Suite 310                                                                                                                                  Telephone: (707) 230-2644

Santa Rosa, CA 95403                                                                                                                                                           Facsimile: (707) 521-0401

Estate Planning                                    Probate & Trust Litigation

Probate & Trust Administration            Conservatorships

Limited Conservatorships                     GuardianshipS

                         Irrevocable Special Needs Trusts


Irrevocable Special Needs Trusts

We often find that many of our clients seeking advice regarding irrevocable special needs trust (SNT) are already well educated in resources available to them and about SNTs in general.   Prior to establishing a SNT for the beneficiary with special needs,  we often have extensive conversations about the needs of the family and beneficiaries, options, long term goals, mechanics and practicalities of how the SNT would work.  Once we have completed these discussions with our client, we can then prepare a draft to continue the discussion.  Our clients are sometimes interested in hiring a professional fiduciary to serve as the trustee, and with our relationships and contacts within that community, we can help our client find the right fiduciaries to interview.


Guardianships of the estate are sometimes a necessary way to manage a minor's money. Or, a guardianship of the person can be necessary in the absence of a responsible parent.  We can assist our client in evaluating any options, if necessary, establishing the proper type of guardianship, and representing our clients with the ongoing responsibilities of a Court appointed guardian.

Probate & Trust Administration

We represent and advise our client in administering a decedent's estate.  Whether it involves a probate, private administration of a trust, or some other procedure, we can help.   In addition to representing the fiduciary for proper administration of an estate, we also regularly represent beneficiaries who want more information or need help communicating with the fiduciary.

Probate & Trust Litigation

When there is anticipated or pending litigation involving an estate, it can be beneficial to consult with an attorney sooner than later.  We regularly represent the executor / trustee / beneficiary in disputes.  These types of disputes often end up in Court, and we are prepared to represent you in contested proceedings, required meet and confer conferences, mediations and trial.  

Conservatorships & Limited Conservatorships

Conservatorship is a complex area in the Probate Code, and as attorneys experienced in that area, we can give our clients the best representation and advice in that regard.  We regularly represent a family member or professional fiduciary for the petition for appointment of a conservator, which in certain situations includes disputes among family members.  Then, once our client is appointed as the conservator, we can guide our client through the required tasks and reporting to the Court through termination of the conservatorship.  

Estate Planning

We enjoy meeting with clients to prepare a complete and proper estate plan that is designed just for each client.  This generally involves a revocable living trust, pourover will(s), durable power(s) of attorney, and advance health care directive(s).  We also prepare some other ancillary documents, as well as assisting with funding our client's trust.